Thank you to all that participated in our silent auction. Winners will be notified by email with instructions by the end of the day on February 1st.
Renew your 2025 RCARA membership TODAY!
Click HERE to start your application!
Monday 2 Meter Public Service Net: 19:00 PST on W6TJ Repeater (146.880MHz)
Tuesday Night 6 Meter Chat: 19:00PST 50.500MHz FM
Welcome to the Riverside County Amateur Radio Association
Our club (RCARA) has been serving the Riverside area since 1955. Our meetings and club membership is open to anyone interested in Amateur Radio.
The W6TJ club repeater is on 146.88 MHz, -600 KHz offset with a PL of 146.2.
For Echolink access to the W6TJ repeater, please use node W6TJ-R
The club provides communications support during many Public Service Events throughout the year. A weekly Public Service Net is held to foster emergency preparedness every Monday evening at 7:00 PM on. This 2M Monday net provides bulletins of upcoming club activities and events. It is also possible to check into the Net via the W6CDF Box Springs Repeater (224.460 MHz, -1600 KHz offset with a PL of 110.9 Hz) which is linked to our 2M repeater.
RCARA hosts a 6 Meter Chat on Tuesday at 7:00 PM to let our members break out their HF gear and rag chew with other members. The 6 Meter Chat is not intended to be a directed net, but rather a social chat. Conversations do not always need to be ham related; sharing your other interests, or recent experiences make for an interesting night.
Our club’s 2M repeater is located on the roof of the Riverside County Administrative Center building in downtown Riverside which assures us of emergency power. The W6TJ repeater is an open-access local-area repeater covering the city of Riverside and its surrounding communities. Members have access to a telephone autopatch allowing them to make telephone calls within the local area with just an HT.
RCARA is an affiliated club of the ARRL. As a national radio club the ARRL has been serving Amateur Radio since 1914. The ARRL publishes QST, a monthly magazine, filled with information of interest to Amateurs. The ARRL also has a Website where there is an abundance of current information at
Above all else, Amateur Radio is a service. Many Hams volunteer their expertise in providing communications for Public Service Events such as emergency service organizations, Scouting Events, walk-a-thons; races; community events. Ham operators generally pride themselves on their communication readiness for earthquakes, fires or floods and other emergency situations. When disasters occur, Hams are on the scene relaying radio traffic where it is often impossible to communicate by conventional means, i.e. telephone, cell phone, computer, etc.
Mail correspondence should be addressed to RCARA, P.O. Box 894, Riverside, CA 92502.
We are eager to help you get started in the hobby, so why not just come to one of our meetings and meet a great group of folks. Everyone is welcome and you don’t need to be licensed or a member to pay us a visit.
Pay RCARA Membership Dues or
Donations to RCARA through PayPal