Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events:

  • RCARA Winter Field Day at Fairmount Park
    • January 25th and 26th, 8AM Saturday until 1:59PM Sunday (tentative)
      Join us at Fairmount Park in Riverside. The primary objective is to set up an amateur radio field station and successfully make multiple contacts. Successful participants are those who can set up their equipment and correctly log the designated exchange during the operational period. Come out at ANY time and see different stations and setups. Hope to see you all there!

Recurring Events

  • RCARA Club Meeting: The 2nd Thursday of each month
    • In person general meeting starts at 6:00 PM.
    • Alternating months are Zoom meetings and begin at 7:00 PM
    • In-person meetings are held at:
      Kountry Folks Homestyle Restaurant
      3653 La Sierra Ave
      Riverside, CA 92505
  • Monthly: TRW ARC Swap Meet is held the last Saturday of each month (rain or shine) from 7 AM to 11:30 AM at the Northrop Grumman facility on the southeast corner of Aviation Blvd and Marine Ave in Redondo Beach, CA . The prices for sellers vary and buyers are free. More information is available on the W6TRW Amateur Radio Club Website.

Future Events

  • POTA at California Citrus State Historic Park:
    • DATE: TBD
      Join us at the California Citrus State Historic Park for Parks On The Air (POTA). We will activate the park using the W6TJ call sign.
      Not sure how POTA works? Experienced operators will demonstrate activating and hunting for POTA credit. Come out and see different stations and setups. Hope to see you all there!California Citrus SHP

      • Left at Kiosk: Lot at the end of driveway
        9400 Dufferin Ave.
        Riverside, CA 92504