Returning to in person meetings

July 12, 2021

Hi All,

This virus has been a real kick in the backside, hasn’t it!  I for one am very glad to be seeing lockdowns and quarantine restrictions moving into our rearview mirror.

We planned the 2021 Field Day with the possibility that the COVID restrictions might be extended which translated into a one day park event without our normal banners, advertising and public table.  Although we kept a lowered profile we still had a few visitors.  John (W7RSO) made his chili and while the “secret ingredient” still needed to steam off it was darn good!

For the first time in over a year, we have had an in person meeting.  We had to change our venue but the feedback I’ve received from the members in attendance was encouraging.  Our heartfelt thanks go out to the Riverside Seventh Day Baptist Church for the use of their Fellowship Hall.

We covered planning of the club’s upcoming 66th Anniversary and Carrie (N6LMA) gave us a great presentation on Net Etiquette.

Please join us for the August meeting to help celebrate 66 years of Ham Radio in Riverside County!  Watch your email for an RSVP from Juan (AJ6PH), we need to know how much pizza we need to order.  We will have a “show and tell” so bring out your projects and brag about your endeavours!


Alan / KM6KPW