RCARA 6 Meter Chat

Join us Tuesdays for a 6 Meter Chat on 50.500 MHz FM.

The Tuesday 6 Meter Net begin at 7:00PM PST on 50.500 MHz FM.

Assisting in this chat is a remote receiver placed on Sierra Peak in Corona. The receiver was placed there to foster conversation primarily on the Six Meter AM Roundtable hosted by Will AA6DD, which happens every Sunday at 10:00 AM, on 50.400AM.

The receiver and its functionality are accessible to anyone who has the software and a little bit of time. AA6RF described the steps:

Here’s what you need to do to get on the 6 Meter Sierra Peak remote.

You need a Windows or Android computer. Log into remotehams.com, RemoteHams.com – Home It is free to create an account there if necessary.

Then download rcforbclient setup RemoteHams.com – Downloads. After that open up app and there are many remotes to log into. You want to log into W6RYO Sierra Peak.

It’s that easy.

W6TJ 2 Meter Net

The Riverside County Amateur Radio Association provides communications support during many Public Service Events throughout the year. A weekly net is held to foster emergency preparedness every Monday evening at 7:00 PM. The Monday night net provides bulletins of upcoming club activities and events.

For the first three Mondays of the month, we host the Net on the W6TJ club repeater. It is also possible to check into the net via the W6CDF repeater located on Box Springs Mountain which is linked to the W6TJ repeater.

The fourth Monday of the month is a SIMPLEX net on 146.880 MHz, no offset, no PL, no squelch. This is done as practice for emergency preparedness as an exercise in being able to operate in a power outage WITHOUT the repeater.

NET Tally for Monday Night Net Results:

January 6,
January 13,
January 20,
January 27,

February 3,
Regular Check-ins: 25 20 23 24 23
Guests/Visitors: 0 0 1 3 0
TOTAL CHECK-INS: 25 20 24 27 23
Courtesy Check-ins: 4 0 0 3 6
220 Check-ins: 0 0 3 0 1
EchoLink Check-ins: 3 1 2 4 2
Early Check-ins: 0 0 0 1 0

Regular 2M Net Operators:

  • Week 1: Marlene KK6CTX
  • Week 2: Jim AG6EA
  • Week 3: Bruce W6SOW
  • Week 4: Juan AJ6PH (SIMPLEX)
  • Week 5: Shannon KO6AYV