Club Awards

Our club, Riverside County Amateur Radio Association has existed for 65 years and there are several awards that our club has achieved.  Many of those awards have gone unclaimed and the efforts of our past members have gone unrecognized.


If there are any additional awards that should be posted for RCARA, please notify Alan Serl KM6KPW at km6kpw @

Riverside County Amateur Radio Association is a member of and actively reports QSO’s from members using the club call sign.  Please forward contact logs made using the club callsign to the webmaster so the contacts can be claimed (ADIF export prefered)

Past Presidents

Past Presidents

2024 Steven DeLong W7DTH
2022 (May)- 2023 John Salisbury W7RSO
2020-2022 (Apr) Alan Serl KM6KPW
2019 Mike Anderson W6OSO
2018(Feb-Dec) Marlene Odebraski KK6CTX
2018 (Jan-Feb) Duane Allen KK6EE
2017 Marlene Odebraski KK6CTX
2015-2016 Ron Braley KE6RYX
2012-2014 Chris Maness KQ6UP
2011 Jim Wiley AG6EA
2010 Bob Trujillo KG6NIB
2008-2009 Chris Maness KQ6UP
2007 Ric Maxfield N6RIC
2005-2006 Bob Wade W6RTW
2002-2004 Fred Roberts W6TKV
2002-2004 Don Williams KD6UVT
2000-2001 George Ashby W6RPD
1998-1999 Robert Randleman N6CEU
1997 Ted Hudson KQ6U
1996 Art Sutorus KQ6HF
1995 Jerry VerDuft AD0A
1994 David Tate N7IGO
1993 Rich Harwick AB4AW
1992 Nick Schmitz N6UUL
1991 Steve Rathbone KF6ZH
1990 (Aug-Dec) Steve Rathbone KF6ZH
1990  (Jan-Jul) Mike Burton N6KZB
1988-1989 Chuck Peck KN6U
1987 John Thomas WA6QMW
1985-1986 John Graf AH6CL
1984 Bill DeChastain N6AIX
1983 Al Nagle KA6TUO
1982 Don Young KZ6U
1981 Lee Owens WD6DGI
1980 Lois Goodine WB6PLR
1979 Richard W. Birbeck K6CID
1978 Larry Botimer/Allen Sonin WA6NVN/WA6URG
1977 Phil Blank WB6HKX
1976 Barrie Britton W6DX
1975 Robert Mann W6LKN
1974 Richard Cupp K6SJA
1973 Don Fox K5BBM/6
1972 Reed C. Easton K6VHP
1971 Richard Cupp K6SJA
1969-1970 Dave Smith WB6SFA
1968(Feb-Dec) Bob Tremaine W6KCD
1968(Jan) Ian Hayes VE2ATU
1967 Bob Rice WA6GOX
1966(Sep-Dec) Michael Desautel W6ECD
1966(Jan-Aug) Neil Bacot WA6QVR
1965 Patrick Murphy WB6LOX
1964 Tom Bridges K6DLY
1963 Bob Rice WA6GOX
1962 Al Summers        ?
1961 Paul Hudson WA6AVJ
1959-1960 Hal Dunagan W6THD
1958-1959 Mark Conway K6GUK
1957-1958 Adrian McCrosky KB1D
1956-1957 Hal Cooper W6PFU
1955 Ed Wellborn W6JXM


Harry Crawford W6TJ Memorial Award

The Crawford Award recognizes a member who has displayed outstanding and exemplary service to the amateur radio community throughout the year.


2023 Harry  Crawford W6TJ Award Recipient

Marlene Odebralski KK6CTX

2023 Marlene Odebralski KK6CTX
2022 Madeleine Haase AJ6MF
2021 Juan Mejia AJ6PH
2020 No Award
2019 John Salisbury W7RSO
2018 Alan Serl KM6KPW
2017 Ted Stough KM6AYC
2016 Larry Junker WA6PMY
2015 Jim Weaver AG6JN
2014 Marlene Odebralski KK6CTX
2013 No Award
2012 No Award
2011 Jim & Liz Anthony AD6FR & AD6JF
2010 Bob Trujillo KG6NIB
2009 Ric Maxfield N6RIC
2008 Chris Maness KQ6UP
2007 Arlo Myers (SK) WA6UDR
2006 Bob Wade (SK) W6RTW
2005 Tony & Vivian Blackwood KE6RUT &  KF6GZK
2004 Don Williams KD6UVT
2003 Frank Vanderpoel K6UIZ
2002 Art Sutorus KQ6HF
2001 Ron Braley KE6RYX
2000 Clair Cessna K6LG
1999 Steve Evans KF6BNP
1998 Betty Ann Merrill KC6ING
1997 Fred Roberts (SK) W6TKV
1996 Ted Hudson (SK) KQ6U
1995 Robert Randleman N6CEU

Silent Key Memorial



In days gone by the telegraph key was an important part
of every Ham Shack. When a Ham passed away, their
key became silent, hence the term “Silent Key”. This memorial
is dedicated to the memory of present and former long time
Riverside County Amateur Radio Association members.

“Gone, But Not Forgotten”


AD0A Gerald “Jerry” Lee VerDuft Mar 17, 2022
K6JAD Jim Henderson Feb, 2021
KF6BNQ Ed Morgan Jan 20, 2021
WA6DDL Wesley Paul Matthews May 31, 2020
W6TKV Fred Roberts May 9, 2020
WA6WQD Charles Hotchkiss July 27, 2019
KA6VPW Mike Riiff February 11, 2018
AF6SI Don Goodwin January 17, 2018
KD6ETF Dan Randall December 26, 2016
K6JZC Steven Greneveld October 3,2016
N6WGO RC Lasater July 19,2016
W9GCS Dennis Lynaugh June 15,2016
KQ6U Ted Hudson May 15,2016
AC6XJ Tom Mahan February 14, 2016
WA6TLL Tom Whelchel October 4, 2015
W6RTW Bob Wade September 15, 2015
KG6YS Dean Chambers October 15, 2014
N6NEP Claude D. Edwards May 27, 2014
WA6UDR Arlo K. Myers, Jr. May 4, 2014
AA6SD Elwood E. Van Noty February 7, 2014
KC0GMI Joanie Verduft April 23, 2013
K6GCV John G. Gabbert December 9, 2013
WB6FKR Don Johns July 17, 2012
K5JWU Dorothy Grace Anderson September 28, 2012
W6KPA Andy Anderson July 23, 2012
K6GUK Mark Conway January 9, 2012
KC6YRK Joyce Lorena Shockley September 21, 2011
AC6EX Robert Lippman January 26, 2011
KA6ABK Kathleen Andrews January 16, 2011
W6LKN Robert  W. Mann November 17, 2010
K6GMF William Harvey November 2, 2010
N6HOJ Robert  Henry October 19, 2010
KD6MAN Harold R. Ellis July 26, 2010
KE6RWD Earl Sherwood May 28, 2010
AA6MI O. Wendell Seymour October 27, 2009
K6UIZ Frank Van Derpoel October 12, 2009
K6QES Fred E. Lincoln July 13, 2009
W0VHV John Salley June 28, 2009
W6YJH Edwin Richards April 26, 2009
K6AJP T. Scott Herring July 24, 2008
W6NSN Clifford Lundquist July 2, 2008
AE6VF Gary Van Noty March 25, 2008
KI6FBP Raymond Dean February 7, 2008
N6LOV Dorothy Chambers November 9, 2006
AE6UD Larry Jensen September 9, 2006
K6KJ Kyle Johnson September 9, 2006
KF6QR Kenneth Andrews September 8, 2006
WA6KOM H. Raymond Shelden March 16, 2006
KF6BNL David Harmon September 22, 2005
W6UBQ Joe Brown April 12, 2005
N6UUL Nicholas E. Schmitz September 29, 2004
W9STA Robert Wallace June 5, 2003
KC6YRJ Sherwood Shockley October 26, 2002
KC6VZQ Charles M. Ferguson May 7, 2002
KF6VHL Roger W. Ridley May 1, 2002
WB6NUS Loren Rap November 27, 2001
KN6U Charles Peck May 14, 2001
W6WET Ralph N.Van Natta December 25, 2000
K6CID Richard Birbeck November 6, 2000
KE6GQM Daniel M. Sutorus February 18, 2000
WA6AVJ Paul A. Hudson March 20, 1998
WB6ULB Owen Harvey January 11, 1998
WA6RGH James L. Matthews March 2, 1997
KE6HHD Robert Hester February 17, 1997
K6BD Robert Goldman January 20, 1997
KE6QMJ Christopher Byrd April 26, 1996
KZ6U James D. Young May 28, 1995
KA6AEM Harriet Van Natta February 26, 1995
WA6EDC Roy McGaha February 9, 1995
KA6ABL Joseph W. Lamb October 14, 1994
K6SML Ludwig Gneiting March 2, 1994
KC6YRN Linda J. Drake December 16, 1993
W6VBW Harry C. Woodruff. April 14, 1993
WB6KAQ Forrest Schaefer June 11, 1992
KB6SYD Hal Roth December 25, 1991
W6JXM Ed Wellborn September 4, 1988
WA6QMW John Thomas May 20, 1988
W6TJ Harry Crawford June 16, 1959

Club History

Harry Crawford, W6TJ

Harry Crawford, W6TJ

Our club station call was the call of a former member of RCARA, Harry H. Crawford, W6TJ. Crawford died on June 16, 1959, and the club acquired his call around 1960.

Shortly after graduating from Glendale High School in 1923, Harry went to work as a linotype operator for the Riverside Daily Press, the ancestor of the present Press-Enterprise. He continued to work for the Press, except for periods of military service, for the next 32 years, until shortly before his death.

W6TJ was a real old-timer, and had a considerable reputation as a DX man. He was originally licensed at age 14 in 1918 as “6TJ” (with no prefix) in Glendale, CA. (New and renewed U.S. calls were issued with prefixes for the first time in 1928.) ARRL originated the DX Century Club award in October, 1937. Early in 1939, W6TJ became the 114th station in the world to be issued the DXCC award. He was also the 11th station in the 6th call area to earn DXCC, at a time when the 6th district included Arizona, Nevada and Utah, in addition to California. Famed DXer Don Wallace, W6AM, had only 77 countries confirmed when W6TJ made DXCC.

The accompanying photo (courtesy of Dave Leaven, WI6J) shows the W6TJ shack around 1927. The transmitter, the wood-frame job on the right, appears to be using a 204-A tube, good for about half a kilowatt output on CW. (The power supply was probably under the operating bench.) The two-dial breadboard affair on the left is evidently the receiver. All home-built, of course.

Arlo Myers WA6UDR

(1/22/2008 – Updated with information provided by Gaye Funk, Harry Crawford’s Niece)


Harry Crawford on Guadalcanal Island during World War II
Harry Crawford’s, W6TJ, Shack







Downtown Riverside circa 1955 – 1960