Club Awards

Our club, Riverside County Amateur Radio Association has existed for 65 years and there are several awards that our club has achieved.  Many of those awards have gone unclaimed and the efforts of our past members have gone unrecognized.


If there are any additional awards that should be posted for RCARA, please notify Alan Serl KM6KPW at km6kpw @

Riverside County Amateur Radio Association is a member of and actively reports QSO’s from members using the club call sign.  Please forward contact logs made using the club callsign to the webmaster so the contacts can be claimed (ADIF export prefered)

W6TJ’s Field Day eQSL Cards


  W6TJ’s Field Day eQSL Cards


The tradition of exchanging post cards (QSLs) to confirm radio contacts goes back to the very first ham radio operators.  The cards usually bore the call sign, and station and contact information, of the station sending.  Many ham shacks even today have these cards plastered on their walls.  ARRL Awards such as Worked All States, DX Century Club etc. required the submission of these cards as proof of contacts made.  The ARRL manages bureaus for incoming and outgoing paper DX QSL cards, primarily for this purpose.  For information go to web site.

In recent years online electronic QSLs have become popular through

These are often received in one’s inbox, shortly after a contact is made.  Registration and use, is free, and set up is easy.  Check it out at

For the past twenty years, Clair, K6LG, has been managing the W6TJ eQSL account.  We have received many (800 to date) from our Field Day contacts, and other public demonstrations .  All incoming eQSLs have been sent the W6TJ QSL shown below.  Some of the incoming eQSL’s for Field Day contacts are also shown:

  • W6TJ to VE7NSR