Club Awards

Our club, Riverside County Amateur Radio Association has existed for 65 years and there are several awards that our club has achieved.  Many of those awards have gone unclaimed and the efforts of our past members have gone unrecognized.


If there are any additional awards that should be posted for RCARA, please notify Alan Serl KM6KPW at km6kpw @

Riverside County Amateur Radio Association is a member of and actively reports QSO’s from members using the club call sign.  Please forward contact logs made using the club callsign to the webmaster so the contacts can be claimed (ADIF export prefered)

November 8th Meeting Agenda


Check in to the RCARA Public Service Net tonight, 7:00 p.m. on the w6tj repeater.

Thursday, November 8th is the final FORMAL meeting of 2018 for RCARA.  It is probably one of the most important meetings of the year because elections will be held for the new Board of Directors for 2019.

Please consider volunteering or nominating someone who is willing to be a part of the planning and implementation of club activities.  Without these dedicated members, RCARA could cease to sustain the status of an outstanding and functional radio club.  Nominations can be made from the floor at the November meeting prior to the election.

All positions are open for nominations.  The following club members have volunteered to serve:

  • PRESIDENT:  Open
  • SECRETARY:  Margaret Albanese KC6UDH
  • TREASURER:  Jim Wiley AG6EA


APPOINTED POSITIONS:   All positions are open.  The following members have volunteered to continue in their present roles:

  • W6TJ TRUSTEE:  Don Williams KD6UVT
  • WEB MASTER:  Alan Serl KM6KPW


Annual Club Dues for 2019 are coming up.  There has been a change in the dues structure and amount as well as in the application methods.  You can find the information on the web site in the Club Membership Link.


November 8 is the last day to submit your nomination letter for the Harry Crawford W6TJ Memorial Award or the LEJO Perpetual Award.


The Annual Christmas Party is scheduled for FRIDAY, December 14, 2018 at Kountry Folks Restaurant, 3653 La Sierra Avenue, 6:00 p.m.  Further details  on the web site in the Upcoming Events link.


Michael McBride K6MJM has come up with an “On Line Tech Class” using specialized software and will share details at the meeting.  We will need a couple of volunteers to assist.





Several of us meet prior to the meeting, 4:00 p.m. for dinner at the Kountry Folks Restaurant before proceeding on to the meeting.  Everyone is invited to join us.


Tuesday, November 13 the Hungry Hams Lunch Bunch will gather at the Back Street Café, 3735 Nelson Street at Brockton, 11:00 a.m.  Join us for some further socializing and camaraderie.


Your attendance at the November meeting is very important for the reasons stated above.  I look forward to your attendance and participation.







LEJO Perpetual Award

History of the LEJO Perpetual Award. The Award is presented each year for exceptional, dedicated and/or accidental service to the amateur community. The handcrafted 10-pound iron keyer was the original idea of Lee Owens, WD6DGI(SK), in 1978. Lee, known for his ingenious handy work, presented the keyer to Joe Brown, W6UBQ(SK), while he was in the hospital recovering. Joe was so impressed with the novelty of the keyer, he decided to present it to the club as a perpetual trophy for others to enjoy. Hence, the LE (for Lee) JO (for Joe) award was conceived.


Selection Criteria. Criteria for the award includes: being an active member in the association; activity must have been unusual, unique or unpredictable; recipient must agree to return this key to the club at years end and to be a member of the selection committee for the next recipient; recipient shall be an average person, like the rest of us, who may have been at the wrong place at the right time or vice versa and agrees to bring the award key to each club meeting for use by the presiding officer as a gavel.

Selection Committee. The selection committee consists of the W6TJ Trustee, the Club President, and the Previous Year Recipient.

2024 LEJO Perpetual Award Recipient

Adrian Bravo, KO6DEZ

2024 Adrian Bravo KO6DEZ
2023 Rick Schirmer KK6CTT
2022 John Salisbury W7RSO
2021 Madeleine Haase AJ6MF
2020 No Award
2019 Juan Mejia AJ6PH
2018 Rick Schirmer KK6CTT
2017 Art Sutorus AA6CA
2016 Jeff Hannold KW6MOT
2015 Butch Dimery KI6ZKP
2014 Jim Wiley AG6EA
2013 No Award
2012 No Award
2011 Tom Whelchel (SK) WA6TLL
2010 Ed Morgan KF6BNQ
2009 Damon Jones KI6HPV
2008 Bil Seymour WA6MOD
2007 Paul Matthews (SK) WA6DDL
2006 Justin Nelson AE6YD
2005 Don Williams KD6UVT
2004 Larry Jensen KD6TPU
2003 E. E. “Van” Van Noty AA6SD
2002 Bill Hering N6WMH
2001 Steve Evans KF6BNP
2000 Dorothy Anderson K5JWU
1999 Mark Conway K6GUK
1998 Dean Chambers KG6YS
1997 Clair Cessna K6LG
1996 Rich Harwick AB4AW
1995 Cliff Lundquist W6NSN
1994 Frank Vanderpoel K6UIZ
1993 Cornelius Walker W6KXN
1992 Betty Ann Merrill KC6ING
1991 Dave Thompson N6ZNT
1990 Lee Brown N6HGT
1989 Jeff Lloyd N6FRW
1988 Joe Lamb KA6ABL
1987 Chuck Peck KN6U
1986 Ken Andrews KF6QR
1985 Maurice Elmore KA6ABB
1984 Lee Owens WD6DGI
1983 Bob Lyon N6AUI
1982 John Thomas WA6QMW
1981 Jim Henderson K6JAD
1980 Frank Johnson W6KIJ
1979 Bob Mann W6LKN
1978 Joe Brown (SK) W6UBQ

Harry Crawford W6TJ Memorial Award

The Crawford Award recognizes a member who has displayed outstanding and exemplary service to the amateur radio community throughout the year.

2024 Harry  Crawford W6TJ Award Recipient

Shannon Johnson K06AYV

2024 Shannon Johnson KO6AYV
2023 Marlene Odebralski KK6CTX
2022 Madeleine Haase AJ6MF
2021 Juan Mejia AJ6PH
2020 No Award
2019 John Salisbury W7RSO
2018 Alan Serl KM6KPW
2017 Ted Stough KM6AYC
2016 Larry Junker WA6PMY
2015 Jim Weaver AG6JN
2014 Marlene Odebralski KK6CTX
2013 No Award
2012 No Award
2011 Jim & Liz Anthony AD6FR & AD6JF
2010 Bob Trujillo KG6NIB
2009 Ric Maxfield N6RIC
2008 Chris Maness KQ6UP
2007 Arlo Myers (SK) WA6UDR
2006 Bob Wade (SK) W6RTW
2005 Tony & Vivian Blackwood KE6RUT &  KF6GZK
2004 Don Williams KD6UVT
2003 Frank Vanderpoel K6UIZ
2002 Art Sutorus KQ6HF
2001 Ron Braley KE6RYX
2000 Clair Cessna K6LG
1999 Steve Evans KF6BNP
1998 Betty Ann Merrill KC6ING
1997 Fred Roberts (SK) W6TKV
1996 Ted Hudson (SK) KQ6U
1995 Robert Randleman N6CEU