mini Monitor Flash Newsletter

Historically, the Riverside County Amateur Radio Association has published a newsletter called The Monitor with club news & activities, tech tips, upcoming contest information and a lot more.  Archived versions of The Monitor are available on our website.

Thank you Madeleine AJ6MF for bringing back our newsletter.  The “mini Monitor Flash” is a smaller format newsletter than the original but we hope you will enjoy the new content as of December 2020.



Congratulations to the new and returning RCARA 2019 Board of Directors and Appointed Positions:

• President – Michael Anderson W6OSO
• Vice President – Alan Serl KM6KPW
• Treasurer – Jim Wiley AG6EA (continuing)
• Secretary – Margaret Albanese KC6UDH
• Director of Communications – Ron Braley KE6RYX (continuing)
• Membership Chair – TBD

• W6TJ Trustee – Don Williams KD6UVT (continuing)
• Web Master – Alan Serl KM6KPW (continuing)
• Sunshine Chair – Art Sutorus – AA6CA (continuing)
• Club Photographer – Rick Schirmer KK6CTT (continuing)

Your service to RCARA is greatly appreciated and we wish you well in your leadership roles. Please don’t hesitate to call on the former/past Board Members for assistance and advice. We will be happy to help in any way we can.

Appreciation was received for the outgoing 2018 Board Members:

• President/Membership Chair – Marlene Odebralski KK6CTX
• Vice President – Rick Golden NI6AU
• Secretary – Carrie Smith N6LMA

Thank you for doing a great job.

The Annual Christmas Party was another fun and successful event with approximately 40 guests in attendance. We shared a lot of laughter, congratulatory acclaim, award presentations as well as some unique items in the gift exchange. The food and service was good as was the camaraderie.

Recipient of the 2018 Harry Crawford W6TJ Award was presented to Alan Serl KM6KPW for his outstanding work as the Web Master. He has done an exemplary job in restoring, updating and maintaining our web site.
The 2018 LeJo Perpetual Award went to Rick Schirmer KK6CTT for always being at the wrong place at the right time or vice versa. Rick is one of those “doers” who will always lend a helping hand, solve problems and give back to the ham community in too many ways to count. Both awardees are well deserving for their many contributions.

Nathan Albanese, son of proud parents Phil and Margaret Albanese was welcomed as the newest and youngest club member having passed his Tech test the day before the party. We welcome you and look forward to many good things.

The victors of the 4 door prizes (Three $100 gift certificates for HRO and a Baofeng HT) are:

• Madeleine Haas KM6QCF
• Loreen Wynja KF6ACY
• Donna Beveridge KK6UDF
• Don Bower AG6HQ (thanks to Ted KM6AYC for the donation)

The next club meeting will be on Thursday, January 10, 2019. Check the web site for updates:

In conclusion, I’d like to personally thank each and every one of you for your support during the past year. We planned, implemented, celebrated and enjoyed many facets of ham radio … friendships were made; information was shared and support was given to one another. May we continue to grow and harvest what we do in a positive direction.

With all good wishes for a healthy, happy, prosperous New Year, de.

~Marlene KK6CTX

The Monitor Newsletter








“The Monitor” is the newsletter for the Riverside County Amateur Radio Association. 

If you have a PDF copy of any issue of “The Monitor” not listed here, please forward a copy to Alan KM6KPW.

The Monitor - Ancient Archives