Riverside County Amateur Radio Association
Serving Hams in the Inland Empire of Southern California since 1955
This is an open invitation for club members who have projects and accomplishments to show off! This is your chance to show off a build, a certificate, that QSL card from the Area 51 that no one believes you received.
Please send in a description, pictures and web links so we can feature your corner of Ham Radio:
KM6KPW (Alan) APRS iGate
KM6KPW (Alan) 10 Meter Vertical Stick Dipole Antenna
Past Presidents
2024 | Steven DeLong | W7DTH |
2022 (May)- 2023 | John Salisbury | W7RSO |
2020-2022 (Apr) | Alan Serl | KM6KPW |
2019 | Mike Anderson | W6OSO |
2018(Feb-Dec) | Marlene Odebraski | KK6CTX |
2018 (Jan-Feb) | Duane Allen | KK6EE |
2017 | Marlene Odebraski | KK6CTX |
2015-2016 | Ron Braley | KE6RYX |
2012-2014 | Chris Maness | KQ6UP |
2011 | Jim Wiley | AG6EA |
2010 | Bob Trujillo | KG6NIB |
2008-2009 | Chris Maness | KQ6UP |
2007 | Ric Maxfield | N6RIC |
2005-2006 | Bob Wade | W6RTW |
2002-2004 | Fred Roberts | W6TKV |
2002-2004 | Don Williams | KD6UVT |
2000-2001 | George Ashby | W6RPD |
1998-1999 | Robert Randleman | N6CEU |
1997 | Ted Hudson | KQ6U |
1996 | Art Sutorus | KQ6HF |
1995 | Jerry VerDuft | AD0A |
1994 | David Tate | N7IGO |
1993 | Rich Harwick | AB4AW |
1992 | Nick Schmitz | N6UUL |
1991 | Steve Rathbone | KF6ZH |
1990 (Aug-Dec) | Steve Rathbone | KF6ZH |
1990 (Jan-Jul) | Mike Burton | N6KZB |
1988-1989 | Chuck Peck | KN6U |
1987 | John Thomas | WA6QMW |
1985-1986 | John Graf | AH6CL |
1984 | Bill DeChastain | N6AIX |
1983 | Al Nagle | KA6TUO |
1982 | Don Young | KZ6U |
1981 | Lee Owens | WD6DGI |
1980 | Lois Goodine | WB6PLR |
1979 | Richard W. Birbeck | K6CID |
1978 | Larry Botimer/Allen Sonin | WA6NVN/WA6URG |
1977 | Phil Blank | WB6HKX |
1976 | Barrie Britton | W6DX |
1975 | Robert Mann | W6LKN |
1974 | Richard Cupp | K6SJA |
1973 | Don Fox | K5BBM/6 |
1972 | Reed C. Easton | K6VHP |
1971 | Richard Cupp | K6SJA |
1969-1970 | Dave Smith | WB6SFA |
1968(Feb-Dec) | Bob Tremaine | W6KCD |
1968(Jan) | Ian Hayes | VE2ATU |
1967 | Bob Rice | WA6GOX |
1966(Sep-Dec) | Michael Desautel | W6ECD |
1966(Jan-Aug) | Neil Bacot | WA6QVR |
1965 | Patrick Murphy | WB6LOX |
1964 | Tom Bridges | K6DLY |
1963 | Bob Rice | WA6GOX |
1962 | Al Summers | ? |
1961 | Paul Hudson | WA6AVJ |
1959-1960 | Hal Dunagan | W6THD |
1958-1959 | Mark Conway | K6GUK |
1957-1958 | Adrian McCrosky | KB1D |
1956-1957 | Hal Cooper | W6PFU |
1955 | Ed Wellborn | W6JXM |
Thanks to everyone who joined us for Field Day 2018! Here are some of the highlights from the event:
Update 11/2018 – The results from QST have been published
Videos from FaceBook:
Please enjoy the slideshow of pictures from the event:
Upcoming Events:
Recurring Events
Future Events
“The Monitor” is the newsletter for the Riverside County Amateur Radio Association.
If you have a PDF copy of any issue of “The Monitor” not listed here, please forward a copy to Alan KM6KPW.
Current and Past RCARA members licensed for more than 50 years.
Years licensed are indicated
Clair Cessna K6LG 75 |
Lowell Robertson K6QXQ 75 |
Howard Elovitz W6FL 66 |
Bruce Spieler W6SOW 64 |
David Northrop WB6JUI 63 |
Duane Allen KK6EE 62 |
Ron Rende KM6AL 61 |
John Colombo K7QPC 55 |
Bil Seymour WA6MOD 54 |
Rich Turner KJ6HJ 54 |
David Koss KI6WJN 53 |
Anthony James AD6FR 51 |
Current and Past RCARA members licensed for more than 25 years.
Years licensed are indicated.
Larry Junker WA6PMY – 48 | Robert Randleman N6CEU – 45 | Jeff Lloyd N6FRW – 43 |
Arturo Pineda WW6Y – 40 | David Banez K9LMR – 39 | Ricardo Golden NI6AU – 37 |
Phil Albanese KJ6KE/AE – 37 | Jim Wiley AG6EA – 35 | Grace Lloyd N6WPA – 35 |
Jim Dorris KF6RFC – 35 | Art Sutorus AA6CA – 33 | Margaret Albanese KC6UDH – 32 |
Ray Hall KD6GVK – 32 | Don Williams KD6UVT – 31 | Ron Braley KE6RYX – 29 |
Loreen Wynja KF6ACY – 29 | Patti Allen KB6LCB – 28 |
Last updated 1/2/2024
History of the LEJO Perpetual Award. The Award is presented each year for exceptional, dedicated and/or accidental service to the amateur community. The handcrafted 10-pound iron keyer was the original idea of Lee Owens, WD6DGI(SK), in 1978. Lee, known for his ingenious handy work, presented the keyer to Joe Brown, W6UBQ(SK), while he was in the hospital recovering. Joe was so impressed with the novelty of the keyer, he decided to present it to the club as a perpetual trophy for others to enjoy. Hence, the LE (for Lee) JO (for Joe) award was conceived.
Selection Criteria. Criteria for the award includes: being an active member in the association; activity must have been unusual, unique or unpredictable; recipient must agree to return this key to the club at years end and to be a member of the selection committee for the next recipient; recipient shall be an average person, like the rest of us, who may have been at the wrong place at the right time or vice versa and agrees to bring the award key to each club meeting for use by the presiding officer as a gavel.
Selection Committee. The selection committee consists of the W6TJ Trustee, the Club President, and the Previous Year Recipient.
2024 LEJO Perpetual Award Recipient
Adrian Bravo, KO6DEZ
2024 | Adrian Bravo | KO6DEZ |
2023 | Rick Schirmer | KK6CTT |
2022 | John Salisbury | W7RSO |
2021 | Madeleine Haase | AJ6MF |
2020 | No Award | |
2019 | Juan Mejia | AJ6PH |
2018 | Rick Schirmer | KK6CTT |
2017 | Art Sutorus | AA6CA |
2016 | Jeff Hannold | KW6MOT |
2015 | Butch Dimery | KI6ZKP |
2014 | Jim Wiley | AG6EA |
2013 | No Award | |
2012 | No Award | |
2011 | Tom Whelchel (SK) | WA6TLL |
2010 | Ed Morgan | KF6BNQ |
2009 | Damon Jones | KI6HPV |
2008 | Bil Seymour | WA6MOD |
2007 | Paul Matthews (SK) | WA6DDL |
2006 | Justin Nelson | AE6YD |
2005 | Don Williams | KD6UVT |
2004 | Larry Jensen | KD6TPU |
2003 | E. E. “Van” Van Noty | AA6SD |
2002 | Bill Hering | N6WMH |
2001 | Steve Evans | KF6BNP |
2000 | Dorothy Anderson | K5JWU |
1999 | Mark Conway | K6GUK |
1998 | Dean Chambers | KG6YS |
1997 | Clair Cessna | K6LG |
1996 | Rich Harwick | AB4AW |
1995 | Cliff Lundquist | W6NSN |
1994 | Frank Vanderpoel | K6UIZ |
1993 | Cornelius Walker | W6KXN |
1992 | Betty Ann Merrill | KC6ING |
1991 | Dave Thompson | N6ZNT |
1990 | Lee Brown | N6HGT |
1989 | Jeff Lloyd | N6FRW |
1988 | Joe Lamb | KA6ABL |
1987 | Chuck Peck | KN6U |
1986 | Ken Andrews | KF6QR |
1985 | Maurice Elmore | KA6ABB |
1984 | Lee Owens | WD6DGI |
1983 | Bob Lyon | N6AUI |
1982 | John Thomas | WA6QMW |
1981 | Jim Henderson | K6JAD |
1980 | Frank Johnson | W6KIJ |
1979 | Bob Mann | W6LKN |
1978 | Joe Brown (SK) | W6UBQ |